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Environmental Monitoring

S.K. Agarwal (Author)
Synopsis If the environment is deteriorated and degraded, polluted and defiled, filthy and disgraceful, concomitantly the speechless plants and animals, the motherly soil and the crazy human being besides the buildings and monuments suffer. While a few problems are occupational, water pollution is regional, and air pollution is global in its impact. The effluent rich water could be treated before disposal. However, pollutants once released in air can not be controlled. The main aim of writing this book is to provide the students of environmental science, a simple exposition of the subject. The book has been compiled from the point of view of the students to give them a thorough training in the principles and methods of environmental analysis. Recognising the need for standard methods in examination and analysis of environmental parameters has been long felt. The book starts with a chapter on environmental monitoring, followed by Physico-chemical monitoring to evaluate concentration of pollutants, Biomonitoring to evaluate pollutant effects, remote sensing and environmental stress. Environmental procedures for the common parameters have been discussed. There are many more parameters which should be monitored if the situation demands, but it becomes difficult when efforts are made at the level of an individual. The last chapter is detection of pollution by citizens to involve peoples participation in environmental monitoring.
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About the author

S.K. Agarwal

Dr. S.K. Agarwal combines many years of experience of and outstanding teacher, researcher, administrator and a policy maker. He is well known botanist and was the Head, Postgraduate Department of Botany, Government College, Kota from 1984 to 1998. He than took over as Vice-Principal, Government J.D.B.Girls P.G. College, Kota, a post which he held up to December 1, 2000. Dr. Agarwal has been interested in Environment and Resource Management. He has also provided leadership in a wide range of environmental areas. He has been nominated as a Member of Rajasthan State Environmental Planning and Coordination Board and in his capacity he is Environmental advisor to the Chief Minister of Rajasthan. He is Chairman, international society for Environmental Journals for publications of basic and applied research aspect of environmental science for 1979 till date. He is author of scores of research papers published in various National and International Journals. He is author of several books on various aspects of environmental science. He is principal investigator of Department of Science and Technology., government of India sponsored research projects for upliftment of Poor SC People.

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Bibliographic information

Title Environmental Monitoring
Author S.K. Agarwal
Format Hardcover
Date published: 01.01.2005
Edition 1st ed.
Language: English
isbn 8176488240
length x+300p., Figures; Tables; Bibliography; Index; 23cm.