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Rural Artisans in India

R.N. Misra (Author) D. Tata Rao (Author)
Synopsis In the present study, an attempt has been made to assess the impact of commercial banks on the rural artisans of Ganjam district of Orissa, further an attempt has also been made to ascertain the various factors for mounting overdues of institutional and non-institutional credit. The study has tried to ascertain whether literacy, age, caste of the borrower, quantum of credit, processing time taken by the banks in sanctioning the loans, under finance (credit gap) etc. influence the borrowers to become defaulters resulting more and more overdues. For this purpose 1000 sample borrowers of Ganjam district are selected under random sampling method. The relevant data are collected from the borrowers by direct and personal interview method, with the help of a suitably designed questionnaire. The first chapter captioned “Introduction and Mythology” describes besides the detailed review of literature on Rural artisans and finance, the objective of the study, methodology and the hypotheses, tested. The second chapter describes “The Socio Economic conditions of the Ganjam district”. The third chapter describes “The Industrial Development of the country and Industrial Development of Orissa” during various plan periods. The fourth chapter reveals “History Growth and development of the Artisans”. The fifth chapter discusses “Supply and Demand of Loan for the Rural Artisans in Ganjam district of Orissa. The sixth chapter reveals “The Recovery of Loans and Analysis” about rural artisans in Ganjam district of Orissa. The seventh and the concluding chapter consists of summaries of the discussion and a few suggestions are offered.
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About the author

R.N. Misra

Professor R.N. Misra taught at the Universities of Saugor, Gwalior and Allahabad (1959-2001) and was also a Fellow of Indian Institute of Advanced Study (1973-75; 2002-05) and Tagore National Fellow (2012-15) affiliated to the Archaeological Survey of India.

The books he authored include Bharhut (in Hindi, 1971), Ancient Artist and Art Activity (1975), Indian Sculptures (in Hindi: 1978, 2002, 2008), Yaksha Cult and Iconography (1981), Sculptures of Dahala and DaksinaKosala (1987), Ancient Indian Society, Economy and Religion (in Hindi, 1991, 1994), Silpa in Indian Tradition (2009) and Outlines of Indian Arts (edited, 2014).

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Bibliographic information

Title Rural Artisans in India
Format Hardcover
Date published: 01.01.2004
Edition 1st ed.
Publisher Mohit Publications
Language: English
isbn 8174452575
length xiv+185p., Figures; Tables; Bibliography; 23cm.