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Development of Whom, For Whom, By Whom

Qazi Kholiquzzaman Ahmad (Author)
Synopsis A basic theme that runs through the book, and more prominently pronounced in some of the articles, is a rejection of the basic thrusts of the Washington consensus-based free market paradigm as being not only contextually inappropriate but also injurious to the prospects of cohesive socio-economic progress of Bangladesh and, by implication, of similar other developing countries around the world. He has argued that the alternative paradigm of sustainable development, based on equity, economic growth, and environmental protection with the human being placed at the centre of the stage, would purposefully respond to the realities, both internal and external, faced by a country like Bangladesh
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Bibliographic information

Title Development of Whom, For Whom, By Whom
Format Hardcover
Date published: 01.01.2004
Edition 1st ed.
Publisher Mowla. Brothers
Language: English
isbn 9844103924
length xii+344p., Tables.