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NGOs and Development (In 2 Volumes)

B.K. Prasad (Editor)
Synopsis Much of today's international development effort is directed at a variety of organizations and institutions-social change is seldom achieved by an individual acting alone. Probably the most basic definition of voluntary organizations is that they are purposeful role-bound social units. In other words, they are groups of individual who allocate tasks between themselves to contribute to a common goal. Today NGOs face a particular set of challenges which require appropriate organization and skilled management if they are to be competent agents of development. All these issues pertaining to NGOs and their role as change agent of development have been discussed in detail in the present work. Besides the academic worth, this work will serve the purpose for all voluntary agencies, social activists, policy planners, administrators etc. as valuable guide.
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Bibliographic information

Title NGOs and Development (In 2 Volumes)
Author B.K. Prasad
Format Hardcover
Date published: 01.01.2004
Edition 1st ed.
Language: English
isbn 8126120096
length xvi+512p., Plates; 25cm.