Where Land Meets the Sea: A Profile of the Coastal Zone of Bangladesh
This profile of the coastal zone of Bangladesh brings together a comprehensive information package for use both by experts involved in development projects and the general reader. It is based on current primary data, sometimes difficult to access, collected from the national water resources database and other relevant authorities and secondary data collected from different agencies related to coastal resources planning and management. Among the various issues discussed in the profile are those concerning the eco-system, coastal livelihoods and economic activities, and agricultural possibilities etc. The picture thus emerging is one of increasing population, competition for limited resources, natural and man-made hazards, economic opportunities and ecological hot spots, calls for a distinctive coastal management arrangement. This mine of information is therefore at hand now for use by government agencies responsible for the development of the hazard prone coastal areas, for research organizations that desire a better understanding of the complicated coastal processes, for the private sector that has to comprehend the many opportunities in the coastal zone and for the development partners, who aim to make an effective contribution to the country's development. It should eventually lead to an agreement on a set of indicators that would spell out as to which aspects and to what extent and coastal zone is integrated into mainstream national development. The profile aims to contribute to institutionalize Integrated Coastal Zone Management (ICZM) as a process in Bangladesh. The profile is an essential reference document for policy planners, coastal managers, government agencies and all stakeholders involved in the coastal zone of Bangladesh.
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