Hindustan Socialist Republican Association: A Short History
The significance of the history of the Hindustan Socialist Republican Association is two-fold. It helped India in achieving independence by intensifying the struggle against the British Raj, by creating greater political awareness among the Indians by generating among them a sense of pride in their country and finally by preparing them to make the highest sacrifice for the country. Today the role and contribution of the revolutionaries, working in India and abroad in furthering the cause of Indian struggle for freedom, is increasingly acknowledged by historians. Secondly, the party alongwith the fight for independence, laid equal stress on the reconstruction of the society on socialist lines. It denounced the existing social and economic structure of India and actively worked for liberty, justice, equality and socialism. It's leaders were not 'misleading' or 'blind' patriots as Gandhi called them; they had a vision of future society of India, free of evils of capitalism, exploitation communalism and separatist tendencies.
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