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Backward Classes Movement in India

B.B. Kumar (Author)
Synopsis The book discusses professional mobility and the job-reservation in India. It also informs about the Backward Classes commissions and their reports.
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About the author

B.B. Kumar

Dr. B.B. Kumar 9b. 1941), an educationist linguist and social activist, has authored 136 books and more than 100 papers. His latest books include ‘Trends of British annexation of Northest India’, ‘Higher Education in Northeast India’, ‘Tribal Societies of India’ and ‘Caste in India’. His publications include lexicons of 64 languages and grammars of dozens of tribal languages. He remained associated with a large number of academic bodies and learned societies from time to time. Currently, he is editing the quarterly journal ‘Dialogue’.

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Bibliographic information

Title Backward Classes Movement in India
Author B.B. Kumar
Format Hardcover
Date published: 01.01.2004
Edition 1st ed.
Language: English
isbn 8171172164
length viii+125p., Tables; References; 22cm.