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Population Education

V.C. Pandey (Editor)
Synopsis ‘Population Education’ is generally defined as the transmission of knowledge about population processes and characteristics, the causes of population change and the consequences of that change for the individual and society. The concept of population education which emerged as an educational innovation in response to population problems only about four decades ago, is now being experimented in over a hundred countries of the world in non-too-uniform a manner. It has been introduced in the education systems of different countries as an important component of the multi-pronged strategy employed to help nations attain the goals of population stabilisation and sustainable development. This book includes all relevant information regarding different areas of population education. It deals with the topics on population education concepts, its need and importance, its historical development and present situation, population growth, population explosion, population policies and programmes. It is hoped that the book will prove useful for teacher-educators, school teachers, student teachers, research scholars, policy makers, administrators and other interested in the field.
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About the author

V.C. Pandey

V.C. Pandey, a Civil Servant (DANICS) and a brilliant academic from Lucknow University has held several administrative positions under the NCT, Delhi. A reputed expert in the field of education, he has shown active participation in several seminars. Besides he introduced various vocational schemes. He is the author of several works on various phases of education. At present Shri Pandey is Additional Secretary in Ministry of Education and Transport and is in-charge of the Departments of Tourism, Art, Culture and Language in the Government of NCT.

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Bibliographic information

Title Population Education
Author V.C. Pandey
Format Hardcover
Date published: 01.01.2005
Edition 1st ed.
Publisher Isha Books
Language: English
isbn 8182051762
length viii+303p., Figures; Tables; Index; 23cm.