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Planning for Development

C. Karthikeyan (Author) N. Balasubramani (Author) D. Vijayalakshmi (Author)
Synopsis Planning leads to the development of performance standards which enable more effective management control. Outcome of programmes results from choice not by chance. I.e., it results from a plan or design. This book is written on the theoretical and practical dimensions of developmental planning. It comprises thirteen chapters which includes the fundamental aspects of planning viz., concepts, principles, stages, levels, approaches etc. The techniques and tools of planning viz., participatory rural appraisal, participatory learning and action, rapid rural appraisal, participatory technology development etc., were also presented in two chapters. The concept, principles, steps, techniques and tools of programme evaluation are described in detail. Beside there a note on the process of formulation of FYP in India, Government and NGO efforts at various levels of planning and their experiences were presented vividly. This book will be very much useful for planners, administrators, policy makers, government of NGO officers, officers of all development departments who are involved in the planning activities, it will also be useful for post-graduate students of Social Sciences, Management, Extension Education, Social Work, Tourism Administration etc. This book will also be useful for the preparation of Civil Services, Agricultural Research Service (ARS) Examinations.
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About the authors

C. Karthikeyan

Dr C. Karthikeyan studied B.Sc., (Ag.) from University of Agricultural Sciences (UAS), Bangalore, completed M.Sc.(Ag.) and Ph.D., in Agricultural Extension at Tamil Nadu Agricultural University (TNAU), Coimbatore. Won Post Doc Fellowship to work on a project at Rockefeller Centre, Italy. Completed Australian Government’s Competitive Post Doc. Fellow at Charles Sturt University, Australia. Graduated MBA (HRM) at Bharathiar University, Coimbatore. He is certified by AIIMA, New Delhi as an accredited management teacher in HRM. He is recognised as a Fellow of the Indian Society of Extension Education, New Delhi.

Currently, working as Professor (Ag. Extension) and Heading the e-Extension Centre in TNAU, Coimbatore. Professionally specialised in Cyber extension. Proposed the concept of ICT based Extension approach named, ‘e-Velanmai’ (means e-Agriculture). Through World Bank support during 2007-2014, the concept was pilot tested, upscaled and presently (2015-16) being adopted in 100 blocks by the Department of Agriculture, Tamil Nadu. Won seven International recognitions/awards and 17 National/State level awards for his contributions in the field of Agricultural Extension. He had implemented 19 externally funded research projects in Agricultural Extension. Professionally visited various countries in six continents of the world.

So far published 16 standard books (with ISBN) in various subjects of Agricultural Extension for the benefit of UG/PG students in Agricultural Extension. Published 14 book chapters, 16 technical books based on research projects, 104 Scientific and popular articles in International and National journals for the benefit of fellow extension researchers across the world.

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N. Balasubramani

Dr. N. Balasubramani is presently working a Field Officer in Rubber Board. Ministry of Commerce, Government of India. He was previously working as Assistant Production Officer in Unicorn Biotech Ltd. He also worked as training associate in Myrada-KVK, of the Indian council of Agricultural Research. He obtained Ph.D. in Agricultural Extension from Tamil Nadu Agricultural University, Coimbatore. His area of researchi is on Expert Systems in Agriculture. He has participated in National and State level seminars and workshops. He has a few books and scientific and popular articles in reputed national journals to his credit.

D. Vijayalakshmi

Dr. D. Vijayalakshmi is a Crop Physiology in Tamil Nadu Agricultural University, Coimbatore. She has been awarded Prof. Sakaram Rao Medical for being the best student in the University. She has won ICAR juniior and Senior Research Fellowships for pursuing M.Sc. and Ph.D. programmes. She has participated in national and international conferences and published few scientific papers in reputed journals. Her experiences in agricultural research planning for development has been incorporated in this book.

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Bibliographic information

Title Planning for Development
Format Hardcover
Date published: 01.01.2005
Edition 1st ed.
Publisher Authors Press
Language: English
isbn 8172731957
length viii+263p., Tables; Figures; References; Index; 22cm.