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Intelligence and Motivation

V.C. Pandey (Editor)
Synopsis Intelligence and motivation are the core factors which influence the learning process more than anything else. The term ‘intelligence’ is defined as the ability to comprehend; to understand and profit from experience. While the term ‘motivation’ is the driving force (desire) behind all actions of an organism. The present volume comprehensively covers all basic aspects and significance of intelligence and motivation in the learning process. It contains solid description of topics including the Nature of Motivation; Types of Motivation; Characteristics of Motivation; Techniques of Increasing Learner Motivation; Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs; Intelligence: Meaning and Nature; Theories of Intelligence; Measurement of Intelligence and Types of Intelligence Tests. Besides teachers, educationists, parents and students, the content of the book will be highly valuable to a wide range of audience from various fields.
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About the author

V.C. Pandey

V.C. Pandey, a Civil Servant (DANICS) and a brilliant academic from Lucknow University has held several administrative positions under the NCT, Delhi. A reputed expert in the field of education, he has shown active participation in several seminars. Besides he introduced various vocational schemes. He is the author of several works on various phases of education. At present Shri Pandey is Additional Secretary in Ministry of Education and Transport and is in-charge of the Departments of Tourism, Art, Culture and Language in the Government of NCT.

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Bibliographic information

Title Intelligence and Motivation
Author V.C. Pandey
Format Hardcover
Date published: 01.01.2005
Edition 1st ed.
Publisher Isha Books
Language: English
isbn 8182051576
length viii+301p., Figures; Index; 23cm.