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Educational Guidance and Counselling

V.C. Pandey (Editor)
Synopsis Students are challenged daily to make decisions in an environment fraught with tension and uncertainty. Faced with social, economic, and cultural issues to a degree not experienced by previous generations, students must have proactive choices to nurture the potential they each have to become successful learners. Guidance and counseling programems, as educational programmes, creates options for students to develop and emphasis strategies which enhance this potential. The present book provides a vivid and in-depth description of all fundamental aspects related with educational guidance and counseling. The nature, purpose, techniques, procedures and scope of educational guidance and counseling programmes are covered comprehensively. The skills needed by counselors, significance of carrier development, techniques of counseling students with special needs etc., are also described in detail. This book will assist guidance counselors, guidance supervisors, teachers and parents.
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About the author

V.C. Pandey

V.C. Pandey, a Civil Servant (DANICS) and a brilliant academic from Lucknow University has held several administrative positions under the NCT, Delhi. A reputed expert in the field of education, he has shown active participation in several seminars. Besides he introduced various vocational schemes. He is the author of several works on various phases of education. At present Shri Pandey is Additional Secretary in Ministry of Education and Transport and is in-charge of the Departments of Tourism, Art, Culture and Language in the Government of NCT.

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Bibliographic information

Title Educational Guidance and Counselling
Author V.C. Pandey
Format Hardcover
Date published: 01.01.2005
Edition 1st ed.
Publisher Isha Books
Language: English
isbn 8182051711
length viii+301p., Index; 22cm.