Gastro-Duodenal Diseases in Ayurveda and Modern Medicine
The origin of Ayurvedic system of medicine can be traced from the origin of Vedic civilization. Large number of herbs and confined formulation with specific indications are mentioned in the Ayurvedic literature. A considerable attempts have been made to integrate the Ayurvedic system of medicine with conventional medicines. The application of Traditional Medicine should always be viewed in contest of health care model in which it is practiced in socio-cultural and geographical environments. In other words, the traditional medicine should be understood as a system in itself that is linked to each country’s health care system. The present book is a discourse on Gastro-Doudenal Diseases from Ayurvedic approach. Various experimental and theoretical observations have been rationally summarized and presented in different sections of the book to ensure furtherance of Ayurvedic Knowledge for scholars and also for others inclined towards traditional system of medicine. The book is very useful for Ayurvedic students, teachers and research scholars. IT is also of great significance to the Modern Medical Men, and other scientist who have interests in Ayurveda both within and outside India. A great need is felt of a comparative study, this book hopes to fulfill this necessity. The contents run in the following chapters – introduction, Literature review (Ayurveda & Modern), clinical trial, observations & results, conclusion along with references. Such comprehensive work on Medicinal Plants and diseases by an experienced Teacher and Physician in being published to enrich Ayurvedic literature. It is an asset in the field of Ayurvedic research and knowledge.
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