Critical Essays on American Literature: A Festschrift to Dr. L. Jeganatha Raja
Critical Essays on American Literature (A Festschrift to Dr. L. Jeganatha Raja, Prof. of English, Annamalai University) covers all kinds of genre in American literature. The contributors are from various universities and colleges in India. Yet they have made this book valuable and interesting by their arduous research findings which are meant for the students, researchers and teachers of American literature. American poets like E.E. Cummings and C.K. Williams have been taken by two Indian scholars. A general survey of the feminine accent in the 20 century American poetry has been dealt by one. Prose writer, Emerson has been analysed by another. Short story writers like Ambrose Bierce and Eudora Welty and Dorothy Parker have been studied by two contributors. Novelists like Hemingway, Mark Twain, Ellen Glasgow, James Baldwin, Saul Bellow, Cheever, Pynchon, Don DeLillo have been preferred by 7 academics. Even comparing American and Indian fiction has been undertaken by another specialist. Autobiographer Maya Angelou has been analysed by three Indian scholars. Dramatists like Lorraine, Hansberry, Edward Albee and Tennessee Williams, have been taken by 4 specialists.
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