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India and the Soviet Union: 1917 to 1947

Nirula (Author)
Synopsis The present study "India and the Soviet Union : 1917 to 1947" is based on the author's Ph.D. Thesis "Russia and India: An analytical study of the Freedom Struggle" (Lucknow University, 1990). It deals with the relations between Indian nationalists and Russia, and the subtle ideological influence they had on each other, between 1917 and 1947. The intensity and the gravity of the effects of the Russian Revolution of 1905, and the Bolshevik Revolution, 1917, have seriously been taken up in this study. Also, the visible and otherwise, effects of the pertinent emerging Indian ideologies in the Soviet people in general, and the paramount Soviet leaders in particular, have been explored.
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About the author


Dr. Nirula, presently an Affiliated Fellow with the Nehru Memorial Museum and Library (Teen Murti House, New Delhi), has been in the field of research since 1991. In 1999, her first book entitled “Women Problems and their Oppression: A Study in the mental attitudes of the society (1900-1950)”, was published. Her Ph.D. thesis on “Russia and India: An analytical study of the Freedom Struggle”, from the Lucknow University, has recently been published under the title of “India and the Soviet Union: 1917 to 1947”. Her other work is titled “Dalits: a Bruised Dignity: the Pure and the Impure”. Dr. Nirula has been a serious and dedicated worker, philanthropist and scholar.

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Bibliographic information

Title India and the Soviet Union: 1917 to 1947
Author Nirula
Format Hardcover
Date published: 01.01.2005
Edition 1st ed.
Language: English
isbn 8176488437
length xi+154p.