Readings in Services Management
Services industry continues to play a dominant role in most economies. Globalization, the WTO, incursion of information technology and intensified competition are some of the factors which have a lasting impact on the services sector. The services industry needs to build models of excellence. Excellence is not a factor of couple of aspects but excellence across various dimensions and management areas. It is essential to look at the critical factors for success in the area of services, evaluate the emerging strategies, assess the competition, and understand the dynamics of emerging businesses where online selling is going to play a crucial role. This book is an effort to document experiences in services industry. The book looks at various management issues in the areas of healthcare, education, hospitality, financial sector and IT and ITES sector. India has huge cost and manpower advantages in areas such as IT, healthcare and hospitality. A range of management issues have been addressed in these sectors such as product design, strategy, financing, customer orientation, HR among other aspects. The research brings out an international context making it more universal in its approach. The book is divided into various chapters where each can be read as an independent work. Contributors to the book constitute a select group of academicians working in the area of Services Management. The book is a must for service administrators, service industry managers, consultants, researchers, educators and students who wish to make a career in the services sector.
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Umashankar Venkatesh