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Environmental Economics of Solid Waste Management

P A Koli (Author) V.V. Mahamuni (Author)
Synopsis From the days of primitive age humans and animals have been using the resources of the earth to support their life and dispose the waste. But in early times, the disposal of human and other waste did not pose any significant problem for the reason that population was small and the amount of land available for the assimilation of wastes was large. But the growing 'needs and greeds' of humans put higher demand for environmental resources which led to increasing human activities. Human activities involve utilisation of energy, air, water, soil and other solid materials and production as well as consumption of goods resulting in residual waste materials. While the inputs like energy, water, raw material, etc. sustained the momentum of growth and development of the area. The book highlights that waste materials need to be properly managed to keep the environment clean and safe. The book also explains that if solid waste is recycled and reused in rational manner; it brings some income to the city authority as well as it protects the environment.
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About the author

P A Koli

Dr. P.A. Koli is a senior professor in Department of Economics, Shivaji University, Kolhapur, Maharashtra State. He has been teaching post graduate classes including M.A., M.Phil. and M.Sc. sericulture for the last 20 years. He has contributed a number of research papers in variuos national journals and seminars. He has also attended many national and international conferences. He has so far written books on Indian Economy i.e. Cooperative Banking, Dairying and Economics of Sericulture. He has worked as resource person to Sardar Patel University (Gujrat), Annamalia University (T.N.), Gram vishwavidyalay, Chitracoot (M.P.), Goa University, etc. Dr. Koli is an excellent teacher, writer, researcher and orator. Presently Dr. Koli is involved in UGC's major research project on rural development, environment and co-operative movement. So far he has delivered more than four hundred lectures in public, academic, Government and co-operative institutions.

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Bibliographic information

Title Environmental Economics of Solid Waste Management
Format Hardcover
Date published: 01.01.2005
Edition 1st ed.
Language: English
isbn 8181980506
length vii+186p., Graphs; Figures.; Tables.