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Child Education

V.C. Pandey (Editor)
Synopsis School education is the foundation of any personality growth and development. Unfortunately, little attention is paid on how to meet the challenge of handling tender hearts and minds. This book deals with all the complex issues pertaining to this subject. There is a focused treatment on girls education and parents role in the matter. A must for educators, policy planners, teachers and parents.
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About the author

V.C. Pandey

V.C. Pandey, a Civil Servant (DANICS) and a brilliant academic from Lucknow University has held several administrative positions under the NCT, Delhi. A reputed expert in the field of education, he has shown active participation in several seminars. Besides he introduced various vocational schemes. He is the author of several works on various phases of education. At present Shri Pandey is Additional Secretary in Ministry of Education and Transport and is in-charge of the Departments of Tourism, Art, Culture and Language in the Government of NCT.

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Bibliographic information

Title Child Education
Author V.C. Pandey
Format Softcover
Date published: 01.01.2005
Edition 1st ed.
Publisher Isha Books
Language: English
isbn 8182051037
length viii+318p., Bibliogrpahy; Index; 22cm.