Organic Compounds
Organic Compounds make up most of the matter found in living organism. An organic compound is any of a large class of chemical compounds whose molecules contain carbon, hydrogen, oxygen, nitrogen with exception of carbides, carbonates, and carbon oxides. Organic compounds are studied in organic chemistry; many of them such as proteins, fats, and carbohydrates (Sugars), are also of prime importance in biochemistry. The objective of this book is to present a comprehensive analysis of organic compounds and their behaviour-in a manner accessible to a general readership. It is our hope that this book will prove to be stimulating reading to the your chemists wishing to pursue a career in this field, perhaps as a upplementary text to an advanced course in organic chemistry. We furthermore hope that it might also be of interest to all of those who have already been touched, directly or indirectly, by this beautiful and highly creative area of modern science and who would like to learn more about its appeal and promise.
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