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Dhvani: Nature and Culture of Sound

S C Malik (Author)
Synopsis Dhvani (Sound/Nada) is a profound experience that envelopes us from birth to death. Yet it is not easily fathomed. Its description by an accoustic engineer is very different from that of a musician, a linguist, a city planner, or a neurologist. The IGNCA (Indira Gandhi National Centre for the Arts), New Delhi, organized a 2-day International Seminar: 24-25 October 1994, not only to understand the experiential, cross-cultural perceptions of sound, or not just to discourse about its definitional subtleties as are encountered in the ancient texts of the East and the West; but also to bring together its perceptions in tradition, modern accoustics, and even in the ongoing environmental studies. In today’s living conditions, the Dhvani-theme is specially crucial — for sound has become a major pollutant both in terms of resonances and accoustics. Assembled in this volume are the presentations of the IGNCA seminar, exploring the various complex conceptual dimensions of sound: ranging from its mystical and traditionally metaphysical to its present-day developments, from its perceptions in indigenous musical theory to its futuristic applications. With focus around five thematic areas of the seminar: (a) Sound as the Source of Creation and Sources of Sound, (b) Sound and the Senses, (c) Sound and Space, (d) Sound and Time, and (e) Symbols of Sound and Sonic Designs, the authors open up the possibilities of interaction among different disciplines involved in the study of dhvani-phenomenon.
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About the author

S C Malik

S.C. Malik retired as a UGC Professorial Research Scientist in Anthropology (1988-1997). Earlier, he was associates with the Institute of Advanced Study (1966-1989), Shimla; M.S. University of Baroda (1956-1971); and was the Fulbright Smith-Mundt Scholar at the University of Chicago (1963-65). His major contribution is in pioneering multidisciplinary research methodologies and theoretical models for the study of Indian civilization and lately within the framework of philosophical anthropology for a study of modern civilization. Some of his major books are: India Civilization: The Formative Period (1968); Understanding Indian Civilization: A Framework of Enquiry (1975); Modern Civilization: A Crisis of Fragmentation (1989); Reconceptualising the Sciences and the Humanities: An Integral Approach (1995). There are several edited volumes and significant papers to his credit.

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Bibliographic information

Title Dhvani: Nature and Culture of Sound
Author S C Malik
Format Hardcover
Date published: 01.01.1999
Edition 1st ed.
Publisher D K Printworld
Language: English
isbn 8124601119
length viii+175p., 25cm.