Health Promotion, Prevention of HIV/AIDS and Population Regulation: Strategies for Developing Countries
The major focus of this book is on health promotion through multiple and effective policies-cum-strategies. During 20th century, the most important health problem of human beings was the threat of HIV/AIDS. Therefore, all the successful experiences of two African countries, Senegal and Uganda and NGO’s efforts in Tamilnadu, India, for drastically reducing this deadly disease and additionally required powerful strategies have been exhaustively and effectively presented. This book can educate the Policy Makers, Consultants, Teachers, Researchers, NGOs, Managers and Administrators for the total welfare of humanity. It can serve as a good text book for M.P.H. Students, Gynecologists, Pediatricians, Behavioral Scientists, Social Workers, Health Educators, Home Scientists, Managers and other faculty members for prevention of diseases and promotion of health. It is the book for regulation of population growth and improving the better quality of life of the humanity in developing as well as developed countries.
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Bibliographic information
S. Krishna Kumar
Vivek K. Panikkar