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Cleaner Production: Greening of Industries for Sustainable Development

Rajiv K. Sinha (Author) Sunil Herat (Author)
Synopsis Cleaner Production is now becoming part of the philosophy that ‘development and environment’, ‘industry and society’ must go hand in hand. Industries in the developed nation have discovered the economic wisdom of preventing waste and pollution at source rather than to bear the cost of ‘cleaning up’ a major oil spill or an old toxic dump site or settling a lawsuit over public health claims or paying ‘waste and pollution taxes’. Cleaner Production is born from the realization that economic goals of industries and enterprises are no longer viable through the ‘curative approach’ (en of the pipe solution of waste and pollution that incurs heavy expenditure) but by the ‘preventive approach’. Practice of CP allows the producers of industrial goods and the provides of services to produce more with less-raw material, less energy and water, less waste and , thus, less environmental impact-all contributing to sustainability. Cleaner Production also means efficient use of scarce resources (raw materials, energy and water), more and more use of cleaner and renewable sources of energy, more and more re-use of water (even treated wastewater), less and less use of toxic chemicals-in the production process, health and safety issues of the industrial workers and the consumers (society) of the products, judicious and sustainable consumption of industrial products by society, and giving better quality of life to the people.
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About the authors

Rajiv K. Sinha

Dr. Rajiv K. Sinha, Ph.D., is currently ‘Senior Research Fellow’ at Griffith University in Brisbane, Australia. He started his career as a lecturer in ‘botany’ at A.N. College, Patna in 1971, after completing his Master’s at Patna University. He did his Ph.D. from University of Rajasthan, Jaipur, where he taught ‘human ecology’ and ‘environmental sciences’ from 1988 to 1999 before shifting to Australia. Dr. Sinha has published over 70 papers and 9 books to date. He has supervised 7 Ph.D. scholars and over 100 PG students, a number of them on issues related to sustainable agriculture. He is a well traveled scholar and has visited Canada, England, Germany, Iceland and Switzerland in academic connections.

Sunil Herat

Dr. Sunil Herat is Senior Lecturer in the School of Environmental Engineering, Griffith University, Brisbane, Australia. He is also the convenor and lecturer of the PG course on 'Cleaner Production' offered as part of the Master of Environmental Engineering Programme at Griffith University. He is also the Programme Convenor of the Master's programme in the School. He also convenes and teaches PG courses in 'Solid Waste Management' and 'Hazardous Waste Management' in the School. He has made several publications in these areas. Dr. Herat is member of several Environment Engineering an Waste Management associations around the world.

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Bibliographic information

Title Cleaner Production: Greening of Industries for Sustainable Development
Format Hardcover
Date published: 01.01.2005
Edition 1st ed.
Publisher Pointer Publishers
Language: English
isbn 8171324010
length xvii+253p., Tables; Appendices; Bibliography; Index; 26cm.