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Philosophy of Education

Promila Sharma (Author)
Synopsis Education is a civilizing aspect of the nations. For a sound education each nation needs must have clear philosophy of Education. An Educational philosophy to the successful should be consistent with the educational thought and practice of the country. Aim of this work is to provide to our readers material to understand this important subject in proper perspectives. Effort has been made to include the views of both Eastern and Western Philosophers on education. This will enable the students and teachers to develop clear understanding of the subject.
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About the author

Promila Sharma

Promila Sharma did her M.A. in English Literature from Lucknow University in 1996. She did her B.Ed. from Kanpur University. She is nowadays running a private institute in Lucknow. Besides teaching she has a great urge for writing. Her fields of interest include the social work, book reading, writing, attending seminars, and the upliftment of women.

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Bibliographic information

Title Philosophy of Education
Format Hardcover
Date published: 01.01.2005
Edition 1st ed.
Language: English
isbn 817648895X
length viii+338p., References; Index; 23cm.