Foundations of Physical Education
Modern-day phenomenon of mechanization has turned man more inactive and Leisure and pleasure-seeking. this inactivity on physical level has proved detrimental to the physical and mental health making living life full of tensions. Physical education provides the panacea of physical exercises and activity as a remedial action. Physical education professionals have the responsibility to interpret their profession to the public that it will be seen not a an end in itself, but, instead, as a means to a happier, healthier and more productive life free from all tensions. This is the greatest contribution that physical education can make to the humans of present era. Foundations of Physical Education deals with all basic concepts, criteria, techniques and activities, knowledge of which is necessary for every successful physical education teacher. Describing various aspects of modern age physical education and general education the book makes elucidation on biological, psychological and social interpretation and foundations of physical education. It makes an elaborate presentment on qualifications, preparation, professional organizations, employment and opportunities available for physical education professional. The book also makes an insight into challenges facing these professionals. Intended as guide to physical education teachers, the book will to physical education teachers, the book will also prove to be of great utility to students and general readers.
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