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WTO and South Asia

Anshuman Gupta (Author)
Synopsis The book highlights the beneficial character of opening up economies under the multilateral institution of WTO rather than leaving countries to forge economic cooperation bilaterally and under regional trading blocs, which give an edge to the developed countries over their developing and least-developed counterparts, including the South Asian ones. At the same time, it analyses each agreement of the Uruguay Round from South Asian perspectives, attempts to find out gaps in agreements and gives suggestions to plug them. It also attempts to critically study the issues of the subsequent Meets including the Seattle, Doha, Cancun and Geneva Meets, bringing out reasons of the failure of the Seattle and Cancun Meets. The book also analyses the changed scenario after China joining WTO along with underscoring China’s achievements and problems on the economic front. Finally, it recommends some measures for the South Asian countries to secure more equitable gains from the ongoing process of integration of economies of the world under the aegis of WTO.
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About the author

Anshuman Gupta

Dr. Anshuman Gupta acquired his Ph.D. degree in "International Trade and Finance" from Jawaharlal Nehru University, New Delhi. He was a Project Fellow at Maulana Abul Kalam Azad Institute of Asian Studies, Kolkata. Over the years, he has published a number o articles in reputed national deilies and journals. Having had a brief stint initially as a Economic Journalist in a financial magazine, he worked with the "Associated Chambers of Commerce and Industry of India (ASSOCHAM)", New Delhi, as an Economist. Currently, he is teaching in the Debub University, Ethiopia, under the World Bank project. His earlier works SAARC: SAPTA to SAFTA and Indo-Russian Economic Ties were received well.

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Bibliographic information

Title WTO and South Asia
Format Hardcover
Date published: 01.01.2005
Edition 1st ed.
Language: English
isbn 817541233X
length 183p., Tables; Notes; References; Bibliography; Index; 23cm.