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Social Work and Social Welfare in India

Shilaja Nagendra (Author)
Synopsis Social work and social welfare are attempts of mitigation and alleviation of suffering of people, changing their mental attitudes, raising their standards of living and enthusiasing them to become knowledge seekers. Through well-established concepts and methods social workers sincerely strive to bring about physical, mental and economic development of ailing, suffering, poor and backwards. Towards this aim the government endeavours to bring about overall social amelioration through various schemes and programmes and provides fund for them. Though government machinery also works, yet the major chunk of these welfare measures reaches the targeted people through sincere efforts and working of social workers. “Social Work and Social Welfare in India” is an attempt to provide social workers full knowledge of information, concepts methods, social legislation, welfare measures, field work, profession and education in social work. In addition, the book also deals with U.N. agencies engaged in these activities and problems of urbanization. Teachers, students, social workers, voluntary agencies and NGOs will find the book of immense utility.
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About the author

Shilaja Nagendra

Shilaja Nagendra did her M.A. in Sociology from Osmania University, Hyderabad and Ph.D. from Devi Ahilya Viswa Vidhyalaya, Indore. Dr. Shilaja has been a member of Board of Studies (Sociology) of M.D.S. University, Ajmer. At present she is a senior scale lecturer in Government Dungar College, Bikaner. She has authored a book titled Rural Housing (2000).

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Bibliographic information

Title Social Work and Social Welfare in India
Format Hardcover
Date published: 01.01.2005
Edition 1st ed.
Publisher ABD Publishers
Language: English
isbn 8189011812
length vii+216p., Index; 23cm.