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Modern Linguistics

M.P. Sinha (Author)
Synopsis Modern Linguistics that began in the form of philosophy towards the end of the eighteenth century is now much wider in scope. This book extensively deals with its two most important branches: Descriptive Linguistics and Historical Linguistics. The book written in a very simple and comprehensive language studies thoroughly the following topics in a very lucid manner: definition and scope of linguistics, nature of language, phonetics and phonology, morphophonemics and morphology, syntactic system, language families and their classification, language change, borrowing, writing systems. The book would prove highly useful to all the students of English Language in general and more particularly to the linguists, researchers, and teaching professionals.
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About the author

M.P. Sinha

M.P. Sinha was Reader in English (1981-88) and later Professor and Head of Department of English, Kanpur University, Kanpur from 1988 to 2002. Actively engaged in research and teaching he has produced fifteen Ph.Ds. Besides, a number of papers published in learned journals and edited books, he has two books to his credit: Methods of Research in English (1990) and An Introduction to Linguistics (1993).

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Bibliographic information

Title Modern Linguistics
Author M.P. Sinha
Format Hardcover
Date published: 01.01.2005
Edition 1st ed.
Language: English
isbn 8126904151
length x+192p., Figures; Tables; Charts; 23cm.