Tourism in Ancient India
‘Tourism in Ancient India’ gives expression to tirthayatras, journey for trade and its various aspects. It also provides a panorama of socio-cultural life and economic pattern of Hindu society. Journeys in ancient India go back to hoaray antiquity. The Vedas, the Brahmanas, the Dharmasutras, the Puranas and other treatise describe journey, routes and ceremonies related to it. The present work is a systematic study of all aspects of yatras. The aim of the author is to look at them through the historical evolution. It is based upon a critical and objective survey of all available sources extending from the vedic period to the early medieval age. This work discusses the sources, aim and the other constituents of yatras grouped under following heads i.e. tourism during pre Mauryan period, during Mauryan and Sunga period, during Saka-satvahan-kushana period, during Gupta and post-Gupta period, Foreign contacts, important places of tourism. It presents a systematic narration of tourism and culture based on accurate and impartial sources. The researchers and students interested in culture and tourism shall find it interesting, informative, innovative and stimulating.
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