A Love Song to Our Mongrel Selves
Salman Rushdie is in many ways one of the most complex and challenging of living writers today. Engaging constantly with questions of identity, selfhood, mongrelization and hybridity not only through his writings, but also through the dramatic events of his life. This book attempts to reltate Rushdie’s fiction to larger theoretical questions of identity and self-construction in a post-colonial world. It also attempts to refute charges of reactionary nihilism that have been hurled against Rushdie and discover his writings as joyful, carnivalesque and superbly celebratory. “ A love song to our mongrel selves†is how Rushdie defined his much-maligned novel The Satanic Verses. The phrase one feels defines his approach to literature as a whole. This book will be of interest to serious Rushdie scholars as well as those interested in questions of post-coloniality.
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