Environmental Planning and Management
The book deals with various aspects of environmental planning and management. While the earlier book "Environmental Awareness and Protection", dealt with basic issues concerning the environment and its protection, the preset book is more specific towards the planning as well as management aspects of conservation of the environment. A few features of the book are: it is written is a simple language, free of jargon and difficult technical, mathematical or statistical matters that could put off readers from pursuing the topics. The examples states are practical and matters presented reflect the latest information on the matter discussed. The emphasis is on what every one can do to conserve the environment as several micro issues relating to the environment concern ordinary citizens as well as government, industry and business. The book is eminently suited as a textbook for students who are expected to study environmental related issues as part of the syllabus. After understanding and appreciating the several aspects of the environment, the book offers helpful information on what needs to be done to protect the environment by proper planning and scientific management. No and hoc solutions are expected to work while dealing with environmental issues. For instance, recycling is an important aspect that could not only minimize waste collection and disposal but also helps in saving virgin materials as part of conservation strategy. Even a desire park, a wildlife sanctuary needs a through understanding of the various issues involved. Here the environmental planning and management issues come to the fore. Thus the book is expected as a valuable guide to the planning and management aspects that would help in nature conservation efforts at the micro as well as macro level. The book should serve as valuable inputs to anyone who wants to understand, appreciate and then take up conservation measures, be it an individual, activist, NGO, group, business, industry or government. It is recommended as a textbook for students in various institutions. At the same time individuals, NGOs, activists, environmental lawyers, business and industrial managers would find the book of significance in understanding the intricacies of the planning and management aspects that leads to environmental conservation and protection.
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