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Modern Methods of Teaching Science

B.R. Sen (Author)
Synopsis Thought it is not easy to arrive at truth very quickly the scientific method of teaching science is quite rigorous. But is can be made easy and interesting as well. The students have to be turned into scientists who are committed to finding the truth. It has been considered that heuristic methods of teaching science is the most appropriate and scientific. There have been great advances in science and as such there is need of new methods of teaching science. This book deals with the latest methods of teaching science.
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About the author

B.R. Sen

Dr. B.R. Sen did his B.Sc. Hons. from Calcutta University and did his M.Sc. in Chemistry from the same university. Dr. Sen did his Ph.D. from Florida University in USA. Dr. Sen started his career as a school teacher and moved to the university. Dr. Sen worked as head of the department in science in a local college in Burdwan. He has several books to his credit. his main field is science teaching. He was advisor to the department of education for some time. He writes regularly and holds many advisory posts in the Government and Universities of India.

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Bibliographic information

Title Modern Methods of Teaching Science
Author B.R. Sen
Format Hardcover
Date published: 01.01.2005
Edition 1st ed.
Language: English
isbn 8171699537
length vii+327p., Tables; Figures; Bibliography; 23cm.