Agri Business Management
Development of agriculture is a pre-requisite to accelerate the pace of Economic and industrial growth of our country. Economic development and industrial progress fallow agricultural prosperity. We know that our economy heavily leans on agricultural. Under five year plans increased emphasis has been put for the multifact development of this sector of the economy. The role of agri-business management institutions as a possible linkage in implementing such as a massive programmes is quite obvious. These institutions are acting as a catelyst for furthering farm mechamisation in rural areas. They also provide consultancy services and inputs at the door of the farmer in rural areas. They are also doing useful work in the development of allied agricultural sector like development of dairy and poultry etc. The training to prospective entre prenenrs among unemployed engineers/agricultural graduates are provided for the establishment of agri-business clinics in rural areas under the central government scheme, most of the govt. agencies and commercial banks have assisted in setting-up of agri-business clinics. These clinics providing the various services to the farmers in various manners. The activities of these agri-business clinics in promoting and developing agro-industries are expanding. Apart from themselves taking up such activities as fruit preservation, cold storage, grape processing, making vermin compost etc. they provide self-employment opportunities to unemployed engineers, agricultural graduates and experienced craftsmen in helping them establish mobile workshops, repair-centres, custom hiring units, agri-business clinics etc. either with the help of commercial banks or by providing funds and assistance themselves. The book deals in brief with the problems and prospects and other related operational aspects involved in setting up new agro-industrial projects in India. The book depicts at length about the agri-business management with latest guidelines and is a must for every body whosoever is interested directly or indirectly in agri-business management in India. The discussions in this book were very fruitful. Many suggestion and policy recommendations were brought to light for talking further actions for the growth of agro industries in India.
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