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Rays and Ways of Indian Culture

D P Dubey (Editor)
Synopsis Centred around culture this book deals with a diversity of subjects related to religion, social and economic history, epigraphy, art, architecture, plants and herbs, Roman coins and Greek myths, questions of national integration, social justice, untouchability and orthodoxy and the heated issue of Ayodhya. The diffusion of Indian culture to Nepal, Greece and Sri Lanka which is evident through analysis of coins, literature, inscription, chronicles and exchange of trade also forms an interesting reading. This book will be of great help and interest to all studies related to culture especially the students of sociology and anthropology.
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About the author

D P Dubey

Dr. D.P. Dubey (b. 1958) teaches Ancient History, Culture and Archaeology at the University of Allahabad. Dedicated particularly to a critical and systematic study of the sacred places in the Ganga valley, he is a serious researcher and has published widely in various scholarly journals. History, mythology, ritual, sacred geography and epigraphy are his other fields of interest. He runs the Society of Pilgrimage Studies as its general secretary.

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Bibliographic information

Title Rays and Ways of Indian Culture
Author D P Dubey
Format Hardcover
Date published: 01.01.1996
Edition 1st ed.
Language: English
isbn 8185880980
length 273p., Figures; Plates; Maps; References.