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The Tantrik Practices in Sri-Vidya

S K Ramachandra Rao (Author) Sri Garib Dass Oriental Series
Synopsis Sri Cakra has rightly been regarded as the prince among cakras (cakra-raja). It is best known and most worshipped among hundres of sacred designs that are prescribed in the traditional lore. Despite this celebrity, an air of mystery surrounds this cakra. The present book gives details of the design, the significance of those details, the philosophical framework that renders the details relevant, the prevailing symbolism, and the nature of source - materials have been explained based on authoritative texts and traditional understanding. The book also contains text and English translation of the text Sarada-Catusatika.
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About the author

S K Ramachandra Rao

Vidyalankara, Sastra-Chudamini, Sangita- Kalaratna, Professor Saligrama Krishna Ranachandra Rao, is a well-Known scholar who combines traditional learning with modern research. Well versed in Sanskrit, Pali, Ardhmagadhi and several modern Indian languages and acquainted with Tibetan and some European languages, he has written extensively on Vedanta, Buddism, Janism, Indian Culture, Art and Literature. He has written more than Sixty Books in Kannada, a Play in Sanskrit, and a Pali Commentary on a Buddhist classic. Among his numerous English Publications are three Vols. Of Encyclopaedia of Indian Iconography, Tibetan Tantrik Tradition and Tibetan Meditation, Consciousness in Advaita, and a series of Six Books on Indian Temples Origins of Indian thought.

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Bibliographic information

Title The Tantrik Practices in Sri-Vidya
Format Softcover
Date published: 01.01.2005
Edition 2nd revised ed.
Language: English
isbn 8170308364, 9788170308362
length viii+221p., Figures; 22cm.