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Precolonial and Colonial Punjab: Society, Economy, Politics and Culture

Reeta Grewal (Editor) Sheena Pall (Editor)
Synopsis Beginning with geographical and cultural perspective on the early Punjab, and the migration and settlement of Jatts by the seventeenth century, essays in the first part of this volume dwell on different aspects of socio-economic and cultural life in north-western India in the precolonial times. They focus on agrarian society. Modes of irrigation, trade and urbanization, Sahibanm in Punjabi literature, Punjabi heroic poetry, and cultural life in the time of Maharaja Ranjit Singh. Twelve essays in the second part bring out multi-faceted change under colonial rule, with their focus on organization of administrative space, epidemics, customary law and Christian missionary activities in relation to women; response of peasants, agricultural laborers, conservative Hindus and Dalits to the colonial environment; politicization of Punjabi migrants in North America; convergence of communitarian and nationalist concerns before the jallianwala Bagh Massacre; escalation of communal violence in Lahore and Amritsar in the context of events leading to partition; and the attitudes of Punjabi writers towards colonial rule. This volume breaks fresh ground in regional history and raises some significant issues of historical methodology and interdisciplinary approach.
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About the authors

Reeta Grewal

Reeta Grewal is Reader in History at the Panjab University, Chandigarh. Nearly a dozen of her reseaerch papers on aspects of Urbanization and Punjab history presented at national and international conferences have been published. She has been actively associated with the programems of the Urban History Association of India and the Institute of Punjab Studies. Her Study of urbanization in Colonial India, a revised version of her doctoral dissertation, is also being published by Manohar.

Sheena Pall

Sheena pal is Senior Lecturer in History at the Panjab University, Chandigarh. She has published research papers mainly related to the Sanatan Dharm movement in North India.

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Bibliographic information

Title Precolonial and Colonial Punjab: Society, Economy, Politics and Culture
Format Hardcover
Date published: 01.01.2005
Edition 1st ed.
Language: English
isbn 8173046549
length 498p., Tables; Notes; Maps; Glossary; Bibliography; Index; 23cm
Subjects History