Leadership Behaviour and Teacher Morale
To be an effective educational leader the head of the school must first of all the adept in decision-making ability and be able to consider himself expendable in his position. He must derive highest satisfaction not from his official title, but from what it may enable him to contribute to the vital, educational and cultural processes in which the organisation is engaged. The head is the king pin of the school. It is said that as is the head, so is the school. The Planning, Organising, Staffing, Directing, Coordinating, Reporting and Budgeting (POSDCORB) functions of the head of the school are dependent on his decision-making style. The quality and style of decision-making influences the rank and file of the school towards quality, excellence and productivity. The style of decision-making makes or mars the quality of the school system. The style of decision-making brings in change-proneness and a climate for experimenting innovations and bringing positive ripple effects in the school. The style of decision-making is dependent on various factors operating within and outside the school system. Various variables such as school climate, change-proneness, school organisation health, teacher morale, teacher involvement, teachers value system, teacher commitment, leadership behaviour of heads of the schools shape the decision making style of the heads of the schools. In Indian context research studies relating these variables are very few. Hence, the present study attempts to fill this gap.
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B.M. Hurakadli