Immortal Heroes of the World
Shri M.S. gill, a former sessions Judge, has authored a number of books including Great Women of The World, Human rights: Human Wrongs, Sunshine In the East: Twilight in the West, The Greatest-Trial At the Bar of History, Vietnam: Revolution and Renovation, North Korea Defends its sovereignty besides others. In the book in hand Immortal Heroes of the world, the author, with penetrating style unfolds the epic tale of liberation movement led by heroic figures in their respective countries. In this saga of matchless sacrifice, many fell fighting in the hot battle field. Others lost their lives on the gallows but achieved eternal glory in the hearts of millions of the people all over the world. The author has selected prominent representative figures from various continents. Some of them, like Socrates, Mahatma Gandhi, Abraham Lincoln, Martin Luther King offered their lives I non-violent struggle. Others like Karl Marx Lenin, Mao Ze Tung, Ho Chi Minh, fidel Castro, Nelson Mandela, Bhagat Singh sacrificed their lives or suffered long imprisonments or exile as revolutionaries. There are, among this glittering gallery of evershining stars, who, serene in suffering and magestic in misery, led millions of nameless heroes in the cause of breaking the bondage of slavery of their motherland. The book, based upon historical material, after intensive research and extensive study will, the author hopes, serve as a source of inspiration to countless generations and as a correct and true source and spring of reliable information for the research scholars and students.
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