Encyclopaedia of Medicinal Plants (In 4 Volumes)
Since ancient civilizations, herbs have been used for curing diseases. A Number of scientists have conducted lengthy and complicated researches reveal various facets of Plants with medicinal values. In a collection of four volumes, Encyclopaedia of Medicinal Plants, brings together explicit information about different plants with medicinal values. Being a storehouse of information, every volume goes on to describe the various desirable and undesirable effects of the medicinal plants on human body. Staring from their common and scientific names, the descriptions go to reveal the elements that make them, the natural background they are found in and their appropriate dosages that should be consumed. The readers will find every volume of the enclopaedia rich with exclusive information about medicinal plants. Keeping the needs of the target readers in mind, the language is kept simple enough to enable the starters in the field to perceive the concept with ease. Medicinal plants have been in use since ages. Their curative properties have been appreciated by both the past civilisations and the present scientists. Earlier, they were said to possess supernatural powers. However, as time passed and researches and rational thinking became the norm of the day, their remedial attributed came into light. with medicinal Western medicine practitioners prefer plants with medicinal properties to antibiotics. Nowadays, apart from healing, the medicinal plants are also being used in cosmetic products and teas. Years of research and observations have revealed the efficacy of several herbal plants to the scientists. This Encyclopaedia of Medicinal Plants contains such revealing facts about various plants with curative attributes.
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