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Protein Biotechnology

Nandan Hazare (Author)

Protein biotechnology is a powerful tool to test general theories of protein structure and activity. As well as to develop more useful catalysts to be used in biotechnological processes or attract the interest of stuents in industrial biotechnology at the undergraduate and post-graduate level as well as of the scholars interested in basic research in protein structure, molecular genetics, bio-organic Chemistry, biochemistry, agro-biotechnology, pharmaceutical science and medicine.

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About the author

Nandan Hazare

Nandan Hazare (b. 1954) is a chemical engineer by profession. He has obtained a Master’s degree in Chemical Engineering from the Indian institute of Technology. Bombay and his Ph.D. from the University of Bombay. He has specialized in additives, resins and epoxy research. With over fifteen years of industrial exposure in leading corporates, he is currently Executive Vice-President and Head, Research and Development, with a leading Anglo-Dutch transnational operating in South and South-East Asian countries. He has also acquired repute for his publication, a manual or assembly line staff in bulk drug processes.

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Bibliographic information

Title Protein Biotechnology
Author Nandan Hazare
Format Hardcover
Date published: 01.01.2006
Edition 1st ed.
Language: English
isbn 8178884003
length xii+327p., Tables; Figures; 23cm