Textbook of Nuclear Chemistry
It is a matter of great pleasure to present the book entitled "Textbook of Nuclear Chemistry". It is believed that this book will be benefitial for the students of B.Sc., B.Sc. (Hons.), M.Sc. and students of other disciplines also of all Indian Universities. The book has been written strictly according to latest syllabi of all Indian Universities. The prime aim of this book is to cover whole developments of interest in subject with basic concepts on the theories of nuclear structure and stability, radioactivity, nuclear reactions, fission reactors, the preparation and applications of radioisotopes describing fruitful applications of atomic energy, radiation and radio chemistry, fusion and breeder reactors. The book has been made some comprehensive as possible with faithfully following the fundamentals of nuclear chemistry employing various figures and schematic diagrams whenever required. It has been attempted to present the reader with brief and lucid account of nuclear chemistry.
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A. Singh