Fiber Optic Sensors: Principles and Applications
This book is an introduction to the rapidly emerging field of fiber optic sensors that is having significant impact upon areas such as guidance and control, structural monitoring, process control, biotechnology, geographical information systems and medicine. Key features: Provides the basic principles, applications and benefits of fiber optic sensor technology, compressively describes different kinds of sensors and their applications, special stress and emphasis has been laid to present the information in an easy to understand language, provides the readers with about 210 figures and 150 equations, explains the past, present and future of the fiber optic sensor technology. A multi-purpose book beneficial for: postgraduate and Ph.D. students who would like to work in the field of fiber optic sensors. It will also provide extra knowledge to those who are doing courses on Optoelectronics and Fiber Optics, and above all to students, scientist and engineers in various physical, chemical and biological sciences.
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