Handbook of Energy and the Environment in India
Satisfying the expanding energy needs of the world population and closing the gap in energy needs of the richest and the poorest nations--by increasing use of fossil fuels--is leading to unacceptable levels of environmental damage and irreversible climatic change. Energy policy is thus fast becoming a central concern on political agendas around the world. Treating energy, environment, and sustainability as an inseparable triad this handbook focuses on the development of an energy policy within the constraints of resource availability and requirements. Providing a global backdrop, it discusses energy needs and contributions of different resources to pollution and environmental degradation as well as current and emerging technologies. The volume analytically reviews: the possibilities for changing energy policy orientation from demand based to utilization based, costs of energy from different resources given the intense financial constraints of a large proportion of the population, abject energy poverty in rural areas in the context of India, exploration and utilization of eco-friendly and non-conventional energy resources, maximizing energy conservation to reflect social and environmental goals. This handbook will be an important reference tool for energy conservationists, pollution-control technologists, policymakers, and managers of environment related projects.
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