Glimpses of the Justice System of Presidency Towns (1687-1973)
The three urban glomerations now known as Chennai, Mumbai and Kolkata were, since the advent of the British there, designated by them as Presidency Towns after their initial status as Factories. Such nomenclature continued for about two and half centuries during the British rule and thereafter even, for more than two and half decades since the country became independent, when from 1974 these, with several others, came to e judicially known as Metropolitan cities. The present justice system of the country was first nurtured in the cradles of rudimentary legal institution of Mayor's Courts in these three places composed of English aldermen-judges who had no knowledge whatsoever of law and were basically traders and even corrupt. These had, therefore, to be scrapped by the Recorder's Courts at Madras and Mumbai. In the then principal Indian centre of the East India Company at Calcutta, British professional lawyers on the bench of the Supreme Court of Fort William replaced the Mayor's Court there in 1774. Fortunately, the recorders protested about the presence of commercial elements in their forums. Thus, Bombay and Madras too got Supreme Courts later alike Calcutta. These three Supreme Courts had very limited territorial jurisdiction and after the British Crown took over the reign of the country a serious attempt for improvement was made by the enactment of the Indian High Courts Act of 1861 for the whole of India and not merely for the Presidency Towns. The last statute, with its time to time amendments, was replaced by the Constitution of India. Te saga of these judicial institutions dispensing justice in these three cities up to 1973 is delineated in brief in Glimpses of the Justice System of presidency Towns.
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Mrinmaya Choudhuri