Prem Sumarag: The Testimony of a Sanatan Sikh
The Prem Sumarag present an ideal of the duty of the Sikh Panth during the eighteenth/nineteenth centuries. The importance of this classic text lies in the fact that it is of Sanatan origin, part of a tradition which has been over time overshadowed by the dominant Tat Khalsa version of the Rahit.
McLeod's translation of Randhir Singh's text of the Prem Sumarag is thus a major contribution to Sikh studies. Notwithstanding debates about its date, this Sanatan text presents a radical alternative to the Tat Khalsa interpretation of Sikh history.
The Prem Sumarag provides an extended account of the Sikh way of life. It outlines Sikh ceremonies and ideals, and what was conceived to be 'noble practice' by its anonymous authors. The leisurely and detailed style of this document differs dramatically from the usually pithy style of the other rahit-namas, and, this Sanatan text is, in its description, perhaps a closer reflection of the society of the time.
Along with a comprehensive introduction, this translation by one of the most eminent scholars of Sikh studies will be of keen interest to students and scholars of Sikh studies, comparative religion, cultural studies, and sociology, as well as the interested lay reader.
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McLeod's translation of Randhir Singh's text of the Prem Sumarag is thus a major contribution to Sikh studies. Notwithstanding debates about its date, this Sanatan text presents a radical alternative to the Tat Khalsa interpretation of Sikh history.
The Prem Sumarag provides an extended account of the Sikh way of life. It outlines Sikh ceremonies and ideals, and what was conceived to be 'noble practice' by its anonymous authors. The leisurely and detailed style of this document differs dramatically from the usually pithy style of the other rahit-namas, and, this Sanatan text is, in its description, perhaps a closer reflection of the society of the time.
Along with a comprehensive introduction, this translation by one of the most eminent scholars of Sikh studies will be of keen interest to students and scholars of Sikh studies, comparative religion, cultural studies, and sociology, as well as the interested lay reader.
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