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Encyclopaedia of Child Labour (In 2 Volumes)

S. Chand (Author) Promila Mahajan (Author)
Synopsis The working child has been considered as vulnerable group in our society. Several disciplines are involved in understanding the growth and development of this vulnerable group. Social workers and educationists have been for a long time concerned more with the child labour and have contributed a great deal in focusing the attention of the people to the importance of several factors which should be taken care of in helping them to develop fully. It is, therefore necessary to understand the scientific basis of this ever increasing problem of child labour sot that public opinion can be more really contributed in a large measures. This Encyclopaedia encompasses a detail overviews and approaches in its admit and such it is expected to be of much interest to a vast spectrum of scholars.
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About the authors

S. Chand

S. Chand (b. 1962) is a doctorate of Banaras Hindu University. She has done her graduation and post graduation from Kanpur university. Presently she is co-ordinating various activities in the Research and Development Division of HRD, Wardha. Her main interest areas are women & child development issues and nutrition.

Promila Mahajan

Promila Mahajan (b. 1959) has done her postgraduation degrees from University of Allahabad. She travelled a lot acrossed the country working with various UN institutions and gathered experience on various dimensions of development issues related to women & children. Her present area of interests are education, Women and Child Development. She has to her credit various articles published in different Magazines of repute. She is a regular contributor in various news papers.

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Bibliographic information

Title Encyclopaedia of Child Labour (In 2 Volumes)
Format Hardcover
Date published: 01.01.2006
Edition 1st ed.
Language: English
isbn 8189161776
length vi+260p., Tables; References; Index; 23cm.