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Physical Fitness and Health Programme

Satish Sonkar (Author)
Synopsis Physical education, as an integral part of the total education process, is a field of endeavor which aims at the development of physically, mentally, emotionally and socially fit citizens through the medium of physical activities that are time-tested and well-established. Being capable of achieving full and complete growth of an individual, the field has grown substantially bad has become rapidly expanding profession attracting attention of many. Looking to the death of good text and need of the people, the present book is an excellent source. “Physical Fitness and health Programme” aims at bringing before readers each and every basic aspect and concept through in-depth analysis of meaning, philosophy, objectives, changing concepts, profession preparation, recreation, camping and outdoor activities in physical education. Presenting health programme in detail, the book also describes role, responsibilities and duties of physical education teachers and guides them toward great success in their profession. Teachers, students, educationalists, health consultant, fitness experts and general readers will find the book of immense utility.
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About the author

Satish Sonkar

Satish Sonkar holds masters degree in Sociology and Physical Education from Jiyaji niversity, Gwalior. He started his career as a teacher in physical education in Schools of Delhi. He improved his career and rose to the status of Deputy Director of physical Education. He has participated in many national and international events as an organiser. He is considered to be an authority in national games. He organises special groups for the Republic Day parade on 26th January every years. He has many books to his credit.

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Bibliographic information

Title Physical Fitness and Health Programme
Author Satish Sonkar
Format Hardcover
Date published: 01.01.2006
Edition 1st ed.
Publisher ABD Publishers
Language: English
isbn 8183760163
length viii+286p., Tables; References; 23cm.