Administration, Conquests and Expansion in Ancient India
This volume has deep thrust on administration, conquests and expansion in ancient India. Its main significance deals with various aspects of caste and literature in the social life of people living in several regions of Indian sub-continent. The glory of the Mauryan Empire has been well-depicted along with the foreign invasions and the administrative capability of the Gupta Empire. The two regions of north and south are the gloring phenomenon in this volume.
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Books by the same authors
Muslim League and its Ideology
Indian Freedom Fighters: Struggle for Independence (Volumes 81-85)
Raja Rammohan Roy: Pathmaker of India
Sir Syed Ahmad Khan: The Man and his Works
Encyclopaedic Biography of Indian Freedom Fighters (In 6 Volumes)
Encyclopaedic Survey of Medieval India (In 5 Volumes)
Encyclopaedic Survey of Ancient India (In 5 Volumes)
Encyclopaedic Survey of Modern India (In 5 Volumes)
Bibliographic information
B.R. Verma