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British Policy and Indian Nationalism (1858-1919)

S R Bakshi (Editor) B.R. Verma (Editor)
Synopsis Main thrust of the volume is on change from company rule to crown government with few changes in Indian administration and post mutiny period upto massacre of Jallianwala Bagh and execution of martial law initially in Punjab and other states afterwards. Other topics covered are working of the act of 1861, Civil Services, Second Afghan War, Lord Curzon's Policy and Reforms Foundation of Indian National Congress by A.O. Humes and others and its ideology. Emergence of Mahatma Gandhi on political scene of Indian Freedom Movement and other personalities like, Gokhale, Tilak etc. political movements, home rule movement and Khilafat Movement etc. and other activities those led Indian freedom movement upto Indian freedom. The volume has been weaved into eighteen comprehensive chapters on British Policy and Indian Nationalism.
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About the authors

S R Bakshi

Dr. S.R. Bakshi is an eminent scholar of History and is the author of several works on Indian nationalism and freedom movement. A renowned scholar of history, Dr. Bakshi was working with ICHR, New Delhi till recently.

B.R. Verma

B.R. Verma a well read, widely travelled and strong believer of Marxist ideology was born in 1943 in "Jhang District" nowin Pakistan. He spent his youth living among contemporary marxist intellectuals. He choose publishing trade as profession that matched his state of mind. During course of time he established himself as publisher. Nationalist to the core of heart he had affection for freedom fighters. Memories of aftermath of partition of fascination of sacrifices of freedom movement have been stimulating him throughout his life. His untold intellect has been inspiring him to do some thing for the cause, this all came out in shape of present work. He has still more to tell if health permits him.

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Bibliographic information

Title British Policy and Indian Nationalism (1858-1919)
Format Hardcover
Date published: 01.01.2005
Edition 1s ed.
Language: English
isbn 8171698786
length vii+483p.
Subjects History