A Survey of Post-Sankara Advaita-Vedanta
The theme of the preset work, A Survey of Post-Sankara Advaita Vedanta is a very wide one and hence the enquiry has been restricted to the salient features of Advaita; for example, the problems regarding the Jiva and his relation with Brahman, the nature of Avidya, the nature of the world, etc. It has been divided into six chapters. The First chapter takes up a bird's eye-view of Pre-Sankara Advaita and also contains the philosophy of Sankaracarya in brief as developed out of Gaudapada's work. The Second chapter is devoted U) earlier Advaita as dealt with by the immediate pupils of Sankaracarya and Vacaspati and a short note on the three Vedas (Adhasa, Avaccheda, the Pratibimba) is added here to show the development of Advaita. Chapter III takes stock of the Advaitins of 9th to 14th centuries, a period which saw further enrichment and original addition of Advaita. Chapter IV summa- rises the later advaita comprising 14th to 18th centuries which was, so to say, a sort of stagnation period. In all these chapters only important authorities in Advaita have been dealt with and the rest are reserved for Chapter V, wherein the first part contains a short description of some more big names in Advaita while the second consists of a list of all the minor Advaitins with their works. The Last Chapter rounds off the work with a connected survey of the whole work.
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