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Surface Chemistry

Harish Chander (Author)
Synopsis This text has been compiled and edited to include various concepts of Surface Chemistry. Each concept included in this text has been explained in simplified language. Wherever necessary line diagrams have been used to make the subject interesting. While compiling this book it is assumed that the student is familiar with the basic concepts to physics and chemistry.
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About the author

Harish Chander

Dr. Harish Chander did his M.Sc. from Roorkee University and Ph.D. from Meerut University. He has worked in M.M.H. College. At present he is working in one of the leading institutes of California. He has published many research oriented monographs.

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Bibliographic information

Title Surface Chemistry
Format Hardcover
Date published: 01.01.2006
Edition 1st ed.
Publisher Alfa Publications
Language: English
isbn 8189582119
length vi+102p., Tables; Figures; 25cm.