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Textiles from India: The Global Trade

Rosemary Crill (Editor)
Synopsis For hundreds of years, textiles from India have travelled the globe, clothing the world, from kings and queens to the common man. Indian textiles have been traded in Europe, America, Africa, and the far east, often passing into ritual and religious custom. They have included the most exclusive and expensive festive fabrics as well as the common cloth used for daily wear. This fascinating global history from the medieval period up to the present day is excitingly captured in this lavishly illustrated collection of wide-ranging essays by scholars from four continents. So we read about shawls from Kashmir making their way across Asia; brocades especially woven in Benaras for Buddhist rituals in Tibet, the Muslins of Bengal, block prints and Chintz, perennial favourites in Europe; and the unique Indian embroideries at Hardwick Hall, England in a major contribution to the study of this fascinating aspect of India's cultural and economic history.
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About the author
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Rosemary Crill

Rosemary Crill is Deputy Curator of the Indian & South-East Asian Department of the Victoria & Albert Museum, London, where she specialises in Indian textiles and Rajasthani paiting. Her publications include Hats from India, Tie-dyed Textiles of India (co-author), Colours of the Indus: Costume and Textiles of Pakistan (co-author), Indian Ikat Textiles, Marwar Paiting: A History of the Jodhpur Style, and Indian Embroiderey.

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Bibliographic information

Title Textiles from India: The Global Trade
Format Hardcover
Date published: 01.01.2006
Edition 1st ed.
Language: English
isbn 1905422172
length xvi+388p., Figures; Plates; Tables; 30cm.